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Wir vertreten Unternehmerínnen und Unternehmer, die bereit sind, ihre Unternehmen auf die nächste Ebene zu führen, einschließlich Wachstumsstrategien, Exit-Planung und Diversifikation des persönlichen Vermögens. Wir haben weltweit Aufträge in ca. 30 Branchen mit einem Wert von über 11 Mrd. US-Dollar erfolgeich umgesetzt. Unsere neuartigen Methoden und nachweisbaren Ergebnisse sind der Grund, warum wir weltweit als eine der angesehensten M&A-Experten bekannt sind.

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News und Artikel

M&A as a Labor Market Strategy

One of the challenges of growing a business is finding the right people and retaining them. Business owners often share that they struggle to fill open roles, whether due to a shortage of applicants or candidates lacking the necessary experience. This issue highlights the complexity of managing growth while building a strong team.

Benchmark International Successfully Facilitated the Transaction Between Triton Submarines and the Ray Dalio Trust

Benchmark International is pleased to announce the transaction between Triton Submarines and the Ray Dalio Trust.

M&A in 2025: Why Business Owners Shouldn’t Miss This Opportunity

Live Webinar | January 23rd, 2025

Is Programmatic M&A Right for My Business?

Programmatic mergers and acquisitions are a strategic approach to M&A deals that companies use to acquire several smaller companies to achieve specific goals, such as growth and value creation. This strategy differs from traditional M&A transactions, which usually involve singular transactions and higher valuations.

Global Transportation Industry Report

The global transportation market was valued at $7.90 trillion in 2023 and is forecast to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.10% to reach $15.90 trillion by 2032.