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We represent highly motivated business owners who are ready to take their companies to the next level, including growth strategies, exit planning, and personal wealth diversification. We have handled engagements in excess of $11 billion across various industries worldwide. Our novel methods and proven results are why we are known as one of the world’s most admired M&A specialists.

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News & Articles

Benchmark International Successfully Facilitated the Transaction Between Landmark Lawns & Landscaping, LLC and Heartland, LLC

Benchmark International has successfully facilitated a transaction between Burtonsville, MD-based Landmark Lawns & Landscaping, LLC ("Landmark") and Kansas City, MO-based HeartLand, LLC.

Benchmark International underlättade framgångsrikt transaktionen mellan Service Lighting Holding Corporation och en privat investerare

Benchmark International har nöjet att meddela att en privat investerare har förvärvat Service Lighting Holding Corporation i Maple Grove, MN.

Benchmark International facilita con éxito la transacción entre Service Lighting Holding Corporation y un inversor privado

Benchmark International se complace en anunciar que un inversor privado ha adquirido Service Lighting Holding Corporation de Maple Grove, MN.

Benchmark International faciliteerde met succes de transactie tussen Service Lighting Holding Corporation en een particuliere investeerder

Benchmark International is verheugd aan te kondigen dat een particuliere investeerder Service Lighting Holding Corporation uit Maple Grove, MN heeft overgenomen.

Benchmark International hat die Transaktion zwischen der Service Lighting Holding Corporation und einem Privatinvestor erfolgreich abgewickelt

Benchmark International freut sich bekannt zu geben, dass ein privater Investor die Service Lighting Holding Corporation in Maple Grove, MN, übernommen hat.

Client Testimonial Compilation Video