
By The Numbers

With impressive deal-making experience that permeates all corners of the world, our strategies serve as a game changer for countless companies spanning numerous industries. Our proven results are just one of the many reasons that business owners count on our award-winning prowess to take their companies to new heights and get the premium deals they deserve.

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Closed over 100 deals per year every year
since 2017
400K Registered buyers
100% Sell-side Advisory
350+ Dealmakers & Analysts
Named The #1 Investment Banking
Firm By The M&A Advisor
& Global M&A Network
Support Over 63 Global Charities
17 Languages Spoken
Over $11.6B Of Deal
Transaction Value
118 Global
Awards and Counting
20+ Global Deal Events Each Year
14 Global Offices
and Growing
1,850+ Deals Completed
Client's Transaction
Team Includes
10+ M&A Specialists
Ranked By Refinitiv
& Pitchbook as the
#1 Privately Held M&A
Advisors Worldwide
40% Annual Avg Growth
Over Ten Years
Represent Clients In 50+ Market Segments