
Benchmark International in Thomson Reuters M&A Mid-Market League Tables

October 9, 2014

Thomson Reuters has released its M&A Mid-Market Financial Advisor Rankings for the first nine months of 2014 and, once again, Benchmark International is positioned amongst the leading advisors in global M&A.

An ever increasing presence across the United States, following significant investment in both team and facilities, has paved the way for higher deal volume and an improved standing on 2013’s results.

Meanwhile, Benchmark International’s UK operation anticipates a significant upturn in deal volume for the full year, with an impressive number of deals pencilled in to complete in the final quarter.

Both the US and UK divisions of Benchmark International team expect a very exciting final quarter of 2014, with all previous deal value and completion records set to be surpassed.

With some very sizeable deals in the pipeline, along with some significant announcements on the horizon, we look forward to revisiting the topic following the full year results, having been proved correct in our predictions.


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